
Digital Literacy and Microsoft Skills Course

This Module will focus on Introduction to computers, you will learn about the use of a computer, configuration of a computer together with its hardware components and software applications.

7 Lessons

Digital Literacy and Microsoft Skills Course

This Module will focus on Introduction to computers, you will learn about the use of a computer, configuration of a computer together with its hardware components and software applications.

Grace Nkosi · October 10, 2022

Duration: 2 – 5 days Price: Free
Grand Total of the Video: 4 hours 37 min and 35 sec


Welcome to the Digital Literacy and Microsoft Skills Courses! 

This Module will focus on how to interact with a computer, the configuration of a computer together with its hardware components and software applications. You will learn about the uses of a computer, the functions of the hardware components of a computer and how to create, save and manage folders and files on your computer. You will further learn about the benefits of Blogging and how to safely use social media. On the internet and email chapter you will learn how to surf the internet, receive and send emails.

Hope you enjoy your journey as you add new knowledge to your Digital Journey.

Good Luck!


This course consists of 7 modules on the basic skills of a computer and Microsoft. Each module aims to clearly explain computer concepts and Microsoft skills in detail with the help of pre-recorded videos.

The tutorial included:

  • Introduction to computer skills
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Internet and email
  • Files and Folders
  • Social media and Blogging


You do not need any prior knowledge on computers to qualify to do this course. It is a course which aims to teach the basics of computer skills and Microsoft skills.

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Understand what a computer is together with its hardware components and software applications.
  • Prepare and format professional looking documents using Microsoft word.
  • Create data bases to store, organize and analyze your data using Microsoft Excel.
  • Prepare presentation slides to communicate ideas and information using Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • How to surf the internet, send and receive emails.
  • Manage created folders and manage saved files in each folder.
  • Understand social media platforms and the benefits of Blogging.


Note how you will be assessed as you complete this module and its activities.


  • All the Formative Assessment activities for the three learning units will contribute 10% towards your final mark.
  • The Summative Assessment will contribute 90% towards your final mark.

Generic Rubric: 

Poor (0-29%) 0-1No submission receivedMinimal effort applied
Improvement Needed (40%-49%)2-3Showed minimal effort in both interpretation and application of the information provided in the article. Learning outcomes not clearly understood
Good (50%-64%) 4-5Showed a good interpretation and a fair level understanding of the required learning outcomes
Very Good (65%-74%) 6-7Illustrated a commendable grasp and understanding of the given content/article, relevant to the main topic outcomes
Excellent (75%-100%) 7-10Illustrated accurate interpretation and clear understanding of the given content/article, relevant to the main topic outcomes

About Instructor

+167 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 446 Topics
  • 70 Quizzes
